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Site still a Work-in-progress (Last update 8/18/23)
A grimdark fantasy tale of a post-apocalyptic dystopian civilization controlled through the Templar order, where many species coexist. However, some races have less privileges than others. One will rise from the rest to challenge that rule, though their intent lay unknown. What path with this 'Nyghtmare' pave, and what will follow?
The Steampunk Kingdom of Gefunden, a grand domain residing far within the skies. Many unsuspecting Gefundi are forced into a path none of which had planned to trek. Through many struggles, hardships, and grief - Our eventual heroes will become the people they're meant to be, so that they can band together to set the dragons free, fight the forces of the Undercity, and defeat their Queen. Only then will they discover the truth about Gefunden...
The future of mankind has traveled across the stars to a new world. A program called 'The EOS Server' has become a staple in everyday life, along with the ever so popular Online video game 'EOS'... During this tale of hackers and drama, we focus on a loner named Satoshi Hirameki and the friends who come into his life during his struggle against vicious bullies, as well a secret past he keeps locked away as he comes to terms with his own sexuality.

​Two years prior to Dream Tear: Elementar Rising; A group of humans band together to found the Ministry of Defense to take down the Elementar invaders plaguing their planet, Terraldyn. Little do they know, it is far more complex than an Alien uprising. Only by joining forces with the Lighton Federation and many other races across the galaxy do they have any hope to oppose both K.A.O.S. and the Z.O.D.I.A.C. forces.
Within the futuristic society of Gefunden, the world is constantly threatened by the evil genius mastermind, Space Pirate, Dr. Archie Freid - "The Butcher". In turn, his arch-nemesis, Lync Hodgehedge, the heroic leader of the Guardians of Gefunden, answer the call to stop this sadistic mad man! However, after a grueling battle, the adopted daughter of the Butcher is forced to make a decision that will change her destiny, as well as the fate of the world.
​"Some Alternate Timeline Gone Haywire" is a separate continuity from the main timeline.
A prophecy of a great evil leads a chosen hero, known as the Souler Master, on a perilous pilgrimage westward to seal the zodiac gates, join forces with many others, and fulfill his destiny; in order to save the feudal lands of Wisteria from darkness.

Ask the Author
May I draw fanart of your Series/characters?
Of course! I love fanart, just please respect my characters' personalities, sexualities, and keep them in character. Especially if you're thinking R34, not all of them are Allosexual or interested in sexual acts. Some are of them are Asexual and/or don't have sexual relations. Also, I have references for them all, so please use them when drawing my kiddos. I'm much happier when they are recognizable. C:
Please tag @Nitrogoblin and share/submit your fanart on any of my socials. I'd love to see them.
​Can I make a Fan Character and/or ship with your characters?
​Please don't, unless I've given explicit permission. I'm cool with you shipping around my characters within my universe, but just not with anything that's not connected to my work. Please though, respect my cannon ships. I love you guys, but It makes me uncomfortable crossing over my characters with other people's OCs.
​Why are there controversial aspects in your series?
Anything controversial or possibly triggering that is expressed in my work, is to make things as realistic as possible with situations and people. They say "write what you know", so situations I or people I know have been through tend to influence events in my novels. Such as bullying situations that my outcasts struggle with, or the toxic relationship dynamics - These and other circumstances are often part of a character's growth and never used as a means of glorifying these horrible situations.
This also extends to LGBT representation in my work, since I am PanAce and have a lot of friends who are part of the LGBT as well. Disabilities are included too, with having lots of friends that are on the Autistic spectrum, or other forms of different disabilities. I myself am included in this with my ADHD, Anxiety, and depression and write characters that may not be neurotypical. So, keeping that in mind, please be kind. I write it this way, not as hate, but because we need more representation and it's what I know. Even if a character might be a villain, it's not channeled from hate - I legitimately can't hate any OCS and I love them all to bits. This includes ones I have to kill off.
Also - Just because a character thinks, acts, or speaks a certain way, does not mean I always agree with them. They all have their own minds, beliefs, and opinions. The really vile ones I tend to have issues with myself, but it makes for great development in plots to have characters that really need to be put in their place.